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HOME, the Best School for Kids

 Home... the type of school that best suits every child's needs.

We don't want our children to fall through the cracks, instead provide them a supportive learning environment at home; engage them in expanded curriculum where together we can bond and make time for creativity, play, outdoor time, project learning, etc., and accommodate their special needs such as the need to strengthen faith in the Almighty, build Godly- character and form Filipino values and habits that represent our very own culture.
I confess, teaching our own child is twice the challenge compared with teaching other kids but taking and doing the choice which I personally told myself I'm about to do since JD's infancy, I'd no regrets for giving-up one thing I had for almost 11 years... homeschooling isn't only ideal because we have this Covid-19 pandemic... it's ideal because it's ten-times more fulfilling to watch him fare with his childhood challenges and learn lessons from there, form habits that sync with what we were taught when we were younger, discover and explore things beyond norms and books...beyond the usual curriculum kids are forced to do only only to fit-in with the mold...
The only mold (I realized) that must help shape our children is our love which translates itself with different ways or languages (Gary Chapman's)... and not the mold that's been prepared because of the society's standard and expectation... such as trying to make them fit with "do you have what it takes to be the top 1?"...
Every child has that!
If you are a parent, you are gifted with a child you can be proud of... that's a real talk... but not all parents see the possibility for every child to become his/her own best and so we were made to rely with curriculum and there, gone are the days when we had that amazing, incomparable feeling to behold our newborn child...we were appreciative and grateful...those were the times when everything was beautiful before our sight...
The complexity of every curriculum changes our perspectives, our plans for our children, and our parenting... it should be the other way around...
Our parenting should be changing or modifying the curriculum. How is it?
Accept the child and his/her uniqueness... stop comparing.

Build larger gardens where they can grow and flourish...bring in creativity to cater for their unique needs and interests.

Create plans with them even when they are young... as parents we don't just plan for them... we involve them and make them as co-creators and not just beneficiaries...

Direct their steps to realizing their Maker's purpose.

Expose them to different avenues for learning... let them acquire both knowledge and skills.

Fan the flame in them by giving them encouraging words, spending time to listen to their make-believe stories while they are young and guiding them all the way.

GROW with them...this is so important too! We parents can always learn from our many parenting experiences.

Hum the music they love to sing...have you tried that? It creates not only that happy feeling but also connection.

"I"... should be replaced by their name instead... Parenting is our responsibility but it's about our children and not us.

Join them in their prayer time... I realized that it's one of the most significant part of growing together as parent and child, as a family... asking the Almighty and thanking Him for His grace, daily.

Keep memories together and learn from each one.

Love, unconditionally...

it's reward is everlasting.
I will share M-Z after my paper dues...
~ side dishes of parenting


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