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Time with Kids, an Intangible Gift


"When in doubt, choose the kids. There will be plenty of time later to choose work." - Anna Quindlen

This struck my heart a hundred times and made me ponder on my schedules and commitments... how long do I get time spent with my only child?

These I realized...

If you are a parent, your kids will help you determine your life goals. They will help you decide what work to do. They will help you determine time for other specifics and of course because you love your kids, you give them your all...they are your priority.

*my personal viewpoint
*I'm not a seasoned parent...'still young in this but I understand how much it means for kids to have their parents' undivided times, to be spent with them...because while I was becoming an adult, personally, time mattered most to me than any tangible gift.
*I am so much into this, because this moves me...
"if we want a better society, we ought to make our parenting better" parents, we can't have teachers replace our roles even if they are truly at their best to be our children's heroes in life...we need so much grace to fulfill our roles...we have our own misgivings and set of limitations which become factors for our parenting excuses...grace after grace so we can do better for our kids.
Grace...this will help us do the seemingly impossible ones for our kids.
'sending virtual hugs for parents who have the same heart.

- Side Dishes of Parenting | 2021


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