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Parenting is a Gifted Role

 When you see your child growing, as a parent, you leverage your parenting in such a way that there will be more changed beliefs and attitudes on your part... and sometimes even when you feel hesitant to give up scolding, you still feel like doing so... then, after a minute... you find yourself charged with extra batteries of patience and begin to learn positive reinforcement, instead...

you talk slower, gentler, kinder...and you see how your happy mood eventually changed your child's annoying behavior.
Parenting has changed overtime...and I felt that...
It's been changing me too since I realized there's a li'l boy needing a mom-friend, a mom-teacher in one.
Every parent's guide to great parenting is no more than his/her own built-in abilities challenged to be re-built both in happy and annoying ways...
We own our parenting and have different stories that test us through and through... no perfect ones... but I suppose all parents strive to becoming one...while we all do, the world judges us in ways that fit its standard and so if we let the world set the standard, we're all trapped and limited to become the kind of parent we're designed to be...
We can only learn from other's ways...but we have to remain keeping our own style. Even if we have the entire internet at our disposal, we're not told to follow any single authority from there...rather, we keep our own, and not lose ourselves in the process.
Each parent is created too, for a unique purpose and design. We not only help mold our child to becoming better individual, we too are being molded for this role.
However unique we are from each other, our baseline is...we need to be consistent and firm at loving our child, always...with or without social media calibrating its irrelevant expectations.



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